G-Star 2024 에서 저희
Adikteev 를만나보세요!
무료 음료를 즐기시고, 저희와 함께 2025년 리타게팅
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저희가 드리는 작은 선물도 잊지 마시고요!

애딕티브와 함께
하는 커피빈 라운지
지금 애딕티브 미팅을 등록하시고
무료 음료와 함께 작은 선물도 받아
장소: 커피빈 해운대센텀호텔점
날짜: 2024년 11월 14일~15일
시간: 오전 9시~오후 6시
We'll talk about:

What we’ll cover:
Key differences between mobile UA and retargeting ad creatives
Similarities and differences in ad creative testing strategies for UA vs retargeting campaigns
Best practices in segmenting, targeting and creative messaging to existing users to keep them engaged and spending in your app
Evaluating the effectiveness of creative in the new privacy landscape
Featured speakers:

Peggy Anne Salz
Content Marketing Strategist
Peggy Anne Salz is recognized as one of the leading experts shaping the mobile world. As a writer, analyst, consultant, in-demand online talent and founder of MobileGroove — a top 50 ranked destination providing strategic content marketing to the global mobile industry and mentoring and consulting to tech start-ups — Peggy produces webinars, podcasts, and video shows to educate marketers on the latest mobile and app trends, customer engagement and experience, and how brands and businesses can grow sustainably through values-driven marketing.

Cameron Thom
Head of New Business Lines
Cameron is Adikteev’s Chief Revenue Officer for New Business Lines. He joined Adikteev 5 years ago as Director of Sales for SaaS Products. Before Adikteev, he had worked as an Account Executive for Liftoff. Based in San Francisco, he leads all revenue efforts for Adikteev’s suite of mobile marketing tools including Churn Prediction, Cross Promotion, and User Acquisition intelligence tools.

Arnaud Capitaine
Lead Data Scientist
As the lead data scientist at Adikteev, Arnaud is responsible for developing and enhancing our churn model, improving our existing conversion rate model, and designing new approaches to real-time bidding (RTB) strategies. With a strong background in statistical analysis and machine learning techniques, he keeps the Adikteev machine running by delivering actionable recommendations and driving data science innovation.